Baker's Motel

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hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel
hôtel Baker's Motel

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Baker’s Motel is a lodging landmark just east of Zanesville, Ohio in picturesque Southeastern Ohio. Currently, Gary and Teresa Golden continue the tradition of providing quality lodging at affordable prices to travelers. Baker’s Motel is located in the quaint village of Norwich, Ohio. The village is centrally located between two historically significant cities: Zanesville, Ohio and Cambridge, Ohio.

Ohio hôtel - Muskingum hôtel - Norwich, Ohio hôtel

en campagne animaux domestiques admis coffre-fort parking chambre standard chambre individuelle chambre à deux lits chambre à plus lits baignoire douche TV téléphone accès internet dispositif de climatisation
Baker's Motel
8855 East Pike
43767 Norwich, Ohio 
Muskingum - Ohio
Tel: 740-872-3232
Fax: 740-844-0389
Plan à route

hôtel Norwich, Ohio
hôtel Muskingum
hôtel Ohio